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Flashback RP records

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Flashback RP records Empty Flashback RP records

Post  Nithak Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:02 pm

<Nithak>The sky was blue, but littered with white wisps of clouds, the soft breeze causing the brightly colored wildflowers to dance. No sound could be heard except the soft sobs of the Peace deity, who sat on his favorite rock, head buried in his arms.
<smilingmask>From far away Orka could spot his Lord. He ran to him, but as soon as he heard Eriu's sobs, his feet didn't seem fast enough. "My Lord-" He knelt by Eriu's side, "What's the matter?"
<Nithak>Eriu glanced up at Orka, wiping his eyes. "It's just... It's just that..." He hesitated. "There's someone up in the tree again!" He claimed.
<smilingmask>Orka's brows slightly knitted together, "And why would you be so upset about that?"
<Nithak>"It's a very scary tree!" Eriu replied.
<smilingmask>Suspicious, Orka walked towards the tree and looked up. "There's nobody up there, my Lord."
<Nithak>"You just can't see him. He's hiding up at the top." Eriu replied. Styx shifted from his spot up at the top of the tree. Why was the Peace Deity so good at finding people, especially when he didn't want to be found?
<smilingmask>Orka looked again. "Lord Styx?" He offered.
<Nithak>Styx leapt from the tree, landing on his feet, and offered a slight bow to Orka.
<smilingmask>Orka responded with the same courtesy. "Are you well, Lord Styx? May I ask what were you doing up there?"
<Nithak>"I'm here to warn you." He turned, facing Eriu. "You are-" He began, but Eriu cut him off. "I know already."
<smilingmask>"What are you-" Orka turned his look from Styx to Eriu.
<Nithak>Styx got a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?" He questioned. Eriu's wings moved slightly. "I've known for a long time. There's nothing I can do about it."
<Nithak>"But that's- You mean I came here for nothing, then." Styx said in agitation. Eriu smiled sadly. "Everything happens for a reason."
<smilingmask>"Is there something that you kept a secret from me, Eriu?" Orka now called Eriu by his name, too troubled to bother with politeness.
<Nithak>"You haven't told your subordinates?!" Styx gave Eriu a calculating look. "..." Eriu hesitated. "It's... Oh, Orka... I'm going to die." He sobbed.
<smilingmask>"You WHA-" Orka stumbled a few steps back. "But you can't--" But then again he had a feeling he had known it. The words Eriu had said... They had always made sense, how could he not realize? "Eriu..."
<Nithak>Styx's tail twitched. "Now, I don't know that for sure. All I know is that Father and two other deities are planning on killing you. You can still do something about it." He said cooly.
<Nithak>Eriu shook his head. "It's either I die or set up a resistance and then die. Either way, I die... It's just that one way makes more people die as well." He sobbed.
<smilingmask>"That is unavoidable..." Orka whispered, "They have always considered you an obstacle..."
<Nithak>"I'm unsure what pushed them to such extremes, however..." Styx replied. "...Whatever the case, they aren't in their right minds."
<Nithak>"Especially not Father. What is honorable about killing?! Peh..." He crossed his arms, giving Eriu a calculating look. "So you say that you aren't going to do anything about it. You're just going to let yourself die." He said bitterly.
<Nithak>Eriu said nothing.
<smilingmask>"I'm going to talk to the Deity of Honor about this-"
<smilingmask>"Well then, I'll make sure that'll take them a lot of time. Meanwhile, you should find somewhere safe..."
<Nithak>"No, nono!" Eriu cried. "You- You don't understand!"
<Nithak>Styx glanced at Orka. "I doubt you can talk him out of it. I'm sure, If I stood in his way, even as his son, he'd kill me too."
<smilingmask>"Then he can just kill me, I don't mind." Orka's eyes were bright with anger, "And then they can take over the world, no problem. But I swear there won't be a single drop of water left on it."
<Nithak>"Orka... No..." Eriu sobbed. "Don't-"
<Nithak>Styx's ear twitched, and his eyes widened, then turned into a glare. "It's too late."
<Nithak>"They're here."
<smilingmask>Orka turned on his heels and threw a glance at the surroundings. "Hmph-"
<Nithak>The form of a large lion appeared in the shadow of the surrounding woods. The smell of smoke was audible as flames flickered to life on the fresh trees. There were two other figures, the demon-winged form of Tamriu and the small, skinny figure of Zuka, the deity of Despair.
<Nithak>Veer hesitated from where he hid on the other side of the clearing, not sure what to do. He heard what they said, but he couldn't fully comprehend it. He wanted to do something, but was too scared to move. Eriu's gaze turned to where he hid, looking straight through his hiding place. The deitiy's eyes said to run, but he couldn't move, even if he wanted to.
<smilingmask>Orka took a few steps forward, standing as tall as he physically could. Taking a deep breath, he offered first, "Most Venerable Deities... What a surprise to see you here."
<Nithak>Tou stopped, tail twitching, red eyes calculating Orka, then glancing at Styx. "Styx, what are you doing here?" He demanded, completely ignoring Orka.
<Nithak>Styx crossed his arms. "And what about you, Father." He countered.
<Nithak>"I don't remember you having any business with the Peace deity,"
<Nithak>Eriu said nothing, just stood there, not saying a word.
<smilingmask>"Lord Styx kindly came to deliver some news, Lord Tou." Orka's blue eyes glared into Tou's red ones.
<Nithak>"Hm, I never thought my own son would betray me." Tou said calmly, as if making a point of how inferior Orka was to him.
<Nithak>"My loyalty lies where I want it to." Styx replied coldly.
<Nithak>Tamriu seemed amused. "Whoa, so I guess you already know why we're here, little brother?
<Nithak> " He glanced at Eriu.
<Nithak>"I know, I knew... I knew for a long time..." Eriu replied.
<smilingmask>"You still dare calling him brother while you-you-" Orka turned his eyes to Tamriu. Scales began to spread from around his eyes to his cheekbone.
<Nithak>Tamriu smiled, a sweetly sinister smile. "You-you, should just... Calm down." He said, blades appearing out of nowhere, flying towards Orka.
<smilingmask>Orka simply swept his arm. Water burst from underground, deviating the blades from their trajectors. Instead of hitting Orka or anyone else, they simply dug into the ground, or to the tree trunks.
<Nithak>Zuka, in his tiny, mangy rabbit form, burst out laughing. Tamriu cast him a glare. "I want to see you do better." He countered.
<Nithak>"K- K..." He chuckled. Thick vines covered in thorns appeared out of nowhere, wrapping themselves around Orka.
<Nithak>Eriu couldn't watch. He buried his head in his hands.
<smilingmask>The thorns left long gashes on Orka's body; some of the scales on his face were torn off and scattered to the ground. But before the vines could do any further damages, Orka had already crumbled into water and flowed away.
<smilingmask>A thick fog was formed when Orka made the water inside the Deities' bodies evaporating.
<Nithak>Tou's ear twitched. He set all of the surrounding land on fire, in an attempt to make the heat cause Orka's watery form to evaporate. "Two can play at that game." He purred.
<Nithak>Styx glanced around in surprise, then he glared. With a quick motion of his hands, he caused the fire to part.
<Nithak>Tou intensified the fire in response.
<smilingmask>"Urgh-" Orka had to choice but to retreat. When he shifted back to his physical form, burns could be seen on his pale skin. "Playing a game with you, Deity of Honor? I feel so... honored." With that he caused water to burst from the pond nearby, taking the form of two colossal hands.
<smilingmask>The hands wrapped themselves around the fire, and slowly squeezed it down.
<Nithak>Tou seemed amused. Tamriu sent another wave of blades at Orka.
<Nithak>Styx glanced at Eriu. "And you plan just to sit there?" He questioned. Eriu shook his head. "What can I do?" He sobbed.
<Nithak>"Traitor, traitors everywhere," Zuka mused, and he sent the vines at Styx.
<smilingmask>The Dragon King was distracted and didn't see the attack coming. "Aah-" He let out a surprised sound when a blades slides accross his left leg. He staggered a little.
<Nithak>"Stop it-" Eriu sobbed. "Don't kill him-" He cried.
<Nithak>Zuka started laughing again, hysterical. "Almost forgot about little boy blue!" He noted.
<Nithak>Tamriu smirked, then sent another wave of blades flying at Eriu.
<Nithak>Styx gasped in pain as the vines tightened around him, the large thorns burrowing themselves into his young flesh.
<smilingmask>"No, Eriu!" Orka let himself fall on top of the Peace deity, covering him with his body. More blood fell free as a blade pierced through his right thigh.

<Nithak>Eriu's eyes widened as Orka's blood stained his loose white clothing red. He sobbed. "Orka--" Not wanting his friend to be further damaged, the earth around where Orka and Eriu were shifted, the plants growing taller in mach speed, large oak trees twisting up out of the ground, making a makeshift barrier around the deity and the King of the Oceans.
<smilingmask>"Eriu--" Orka leaned on his elbows and looked up at the deity; the blade that was still stuck in his leg infiltrated deeper as he shifted. "Eriu..." He groaned.
<Nithak>"It won't keep them long..." Eriu said, glancing at the trees, then giving Orka a pained look. "Please, Orka... You don't need to stay... You can still save yourself!" He cried.
<Nithak>"I don't want you to die- not for my sake..."
<smilingmask>"Don't be ridiculous, I will never leave you here to die alone..." Orka removed the blade from his leg, threw it away, then placed his bloodied hand on top of Eriu's. "Dying for your sake is the death I have always wanted..."
<smilingmask>"Moreover, I already promised..."
<Nithak>"Orka..." Eriu threw his arms around the Dragon king in a tight embrace, sobbing. "I'm sorry... Maybe I should've told you sooner... I didn't want you to worry..."
<smilingmask>Orka startled a little at this display of affection. But his expression quickly softened into a smile. He placed a hand on Eriu's head, but then, realizing it left blood stains all over the deity's hair, he quickly withdrew it. "I know... I think you tried to tell, but I was always too busy to realize... I'm sorry, too."
<Nithak>The trees began to glow bright red as they grew hot, being set aflame from the inside-out. Eriu squeezed his eyes shut. "Orka- Veer... He's out there watching all of this... He's going to be scarred for life..."
<Nithak>(Styx: *Being ignored currently* ._. )
<smilingmask>"Veer?" Orka frowned. "He's here? He should take care of himself... I'm more concerned about Lord Styx right now..."
<smilingmask>He sighed, and looked up, his eyes regaining their fierce look. With a crack like the sound of breaking bones, ice envelopped the oak trees, swallowing the fire, forming a cage of ice around them.
<smilingmask>The vines that were holding Styx hardened, and soon shattered into shards of ice.
<Nithak>Styx, surprised, fell to the ground, coughing. The wounds in him bled ferociously. Tamriu glanced at him in amusement, sending a blade at him. Styx fell backwards, the blade making a deep cut diagonally down his face. He screamed in agony.
<Nithak>"You- never really did understand Veer- Orka..." Eriu said, breath coming out in clouds from the cold of the surrounding ice. "He- is so fragile mentally... This is going to break him- He's going to become a killer."
<smilingmask>"...!" Orka couldn't say a word. Styx's scream startled him and he made an attempt to leap forward, but his injured leg stopped him.
<Nithak>Eriu put a hand on his shoulder. "Styx is going to be just fine- " He reassured Orka. Zuka channeled his energy underground, making thick, sturdy bladed vines appear on the other side, wrapping themselves over everything.
<Nithak>(Zuka: Long-distance powers... Comes in handy! *Manic laugter* )
<smilingmask>The ice pillars shattered, one by one, the shards falling on Orka and Eriu like an ominous rain. Orka wrapped his arms around Eriu, trying to cover for him, but one of Zuka's vines got him and pulled him away by the waist, lifting him off his feet.
<Nithak>Another vine got around Eriu's ankles, lifting him up upside-down. More vines wrapped themselves around his wings, tattering their soft surface beyond repair. Eriu cried out in pain.
<Nithak>(Eriu: It's times like these I wish I didn't wear a loincloth. D: )
<smilingmask>[ PFFFFFT. XD ]
<Nithak>(The definition of a wardrobe malfunction. X'D )
<Nithak>(Eriu: I wish I did take your advice, Orka, and wear more clothes... I feel a draft! D: )
<smilingmask>Orka shuddered at the sound of Eriu's scream. More scales appeared on his face as his eyes glowed in rage. "Let him go!" He snarled at Zuka. Ice grew from the ground beneath the deity's feet; sharp edges glittering under the light.
<smilingmask>[ Orka: Should I say "Told you so"? = ='' ]
<Nithak>Zuka's face turned into a look of glee, like he took pleasure in the pain the blades of ice caused. "Let him go? O-kay." He laughed maniacally, the vine loosening its hold and dropping Eriu, just as Tamriu caused a blade to appear just underneath the Peace deity.
<smilingmask>Orka's eyes widened in terror. Water burst from underground in a powerful blast, pushing Eriu to the side before he fell into the waiting blade.
<MegaCometX><Finally, someone I can relate to.>
<Nithak>Eriu coughed, attempting to move his tattered wings, but getting no response from them aside from a shooting pain. He winced. More vines wrapped themselves around Eriu before he could do anything else, completely smothering him.
<smilingmask>"Stop it!" Orka growled, "You can do whatever you want to me, just leave him alone!"
<Nithak>"Ah, but you aren't the one we are after, King of the Oceans." Tamriu stated. "But if you insist, we'll take your life as well." He replied. Styx shakily stood, having sealed his face wound shut with flame to stop the bleeding. "Father," He growled. "Where did your honor go?! What is this?" He demanded.
<Nithak>(Tou: My honor went... Down my leg.)
<Nithak>Tou ignored his son.
<smilingmask>"W-Well then-" Orka swallowed, "Let him die peacefully-- Whatever games you need to play to please your twisted mind, let me take them--"
<Nithak>"Twisted games, Hahaha!" Zuka cackled. "This isn't a matter of fun! This is a way to conquer!"
<smilingmask>Orka glanced at the deity. "Have mercy." He spat.
<Nithak>Tamriu smirked. "We aren't exactly the merciful type. If you want mercy... Talk to my sister." He sent another wave of blades flying at Orka.
<Nithak>Styx's ear twitched. The justice deity. That was it. That was how to stop them. He gave Orka an apologetic look, then shifted into his lion form, running off.
<smilingmask>Orka tried to block the attack with his ice shield, but Tamriu was far more powerful than he was. The blades pierced through his protection and stabbed on his shoulder, his legs and his right chest. One blade pierced right through his right hand, causing blood to right hand. Blood splurted from the wounds and dripped to the ground.
<Nithak>Tou glanced at Tamriu. "Enough. The Peace deity is dead. End this." He said cooly.
<Nithak>Tamriu smiled. "Very well then." He sent another blade at Orka.
<smilingmask>The blade pierced through the Dragon King's heart, ending its beats in an instant. He collapsed to the ground, scales scattering around him like blue tears.
<smilingmask>Soon his body crumbled into water, seeping into the ground... And there was no sight left of him.
<Nithak>The vines receded, leaving the still corpse of the youngest deity and the mess. Zuka cackled, and Tou flicked his tail, triumphant. "Now, let's go."
<Nithak>The other two agreed, and followed the deity into the woods.

Haha, it's always depressing to read through this. D: Poor Eriu...

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Flashback RP records Empty Re: Flashback RP records

Post  Mask Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:11 pm

You should name the record, you know. Think of posting a new thread for each story... <3 Aren't we holding more flashback RPs? *hopeful puppy eyes*

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Flashback RP records Empty Re: Flashback RP records

Post  Nithak Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:07 pm

Once I find a good idea for one. XD I promise I will.

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